Ritech Foundation

Recycling Investment Technology Business Group

RITECH is an establishment which economically helps human history to check the relevant to the notions of equity of income and equality of opportunities through its investment strategies and services across the globe. RITECH expects to catch the interest of investor base with its broad variety of products, services and marketing relationships. The company plans to build a strong market position, enlighten the partners' industrial experience and large number of investors around the globe


RITECH business Control setting involves the processes and procedures that regulate, guide, and protect investors interest. It is one of the primary managerial functions, along with planning, organizing, and leading this does not exclude companies set of financial policies.


Both foreigners and residents can receive assistance on the necessary business permits and licenses from our business development professionals. This will facilitate the creation of paperwork and guarantee that all operational needs are met.


Success, diversity, innovation, productivity, trust, and brand loyalty are supported by the corporate culture and a component of daily operations as seen by working professionals and others in the industry. RITECH manages a flexible investor community while maintaining a successful business culture.


Most economies, especially those in developing nations, place a great deal of importance on small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The majority of businesses worldwide are SMEs, which also contribute significantly to the growth of the global economy and the creation of new jobs.

The relationship between consumer pleasure and contentment and environmental concern, cooperative or rivalry enterprises, capital syndication networks, and small-business performance is investigated on several levels. RITECH will support the expansion of SMEs using cutting-edge methods that are based on successful technological antecedents and are both locally and internationally sourced.

  • Financial sector assessments to determine areas of improvement in regulatory and policy aspects enabling increased responsible SME access to finance
  • Implementation support of initiatives such as development of enabling environment, design and set up of credit guarantee schemes
  • Improving credit infrastructure (credit reporting systems, secured transactions and collateral registries, and insolvency regimes) which can lead to greater SME access to finance.
  • Introducing innovation in SME finance such as e-lending platforms, use of alternative data for credit decisioning, e-invoicing, e-factoring and supply chain financing.
  • Policy work, analytical work, and other Advisory Services can also be provided in support of SME finance activities.
  • Advocacy for SME finance at global level through participating and supporting G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion, Financial Stability Board, International Credit Committee for Credit Reporting on SME Financ
  • Knowledge management tools and flagship publications on good practice, successful models and policy frameworks