Aggregated Services

The SME Support Centre is an aggregator of several services, working with numerous public and private companies. Listed below are a few of the consolidated services to which registered Firms have access:

Consolidated services to which registered Firms have access:

  • Financing Services: based on the SME profiles, we provide registered SMEs with financial briefings from the many private sector lenders we work with.
  • Logistics Services: We collaborate with a number of private and public sector logistics suppliers to offer our registered SMEs affordable logistics choices.
  • Advertising Services: We collaborate with a number of tech companies and participants in the private sector to offer all of our registered firms cheap advertising services.
  • Corporate Representation Solutions: We assist foreign SMEs with their endeavours to expand their businesses and manage any projects they may have across all of Africa. International SMEs who want to save the beginning costs of opening and staffing local offices in the various African countries would find this to be ideal.