Institutional financing service

Institutional financing service

In order to provide financing and financial solutions to African SMEs, RITECH Group work with COMMERCIAL BANKS, SACCOs, MFIs, INSURANCE COMPANIES, PRIVATE FUNDS, and PRIVATE WEALTH providers among other financial organizations. Among many, RITECH also performs the below activities

Activities Performed By Ritech

  • De-risking structures: potential de-risking mechanisms and donor involvement for the supply of technical assistance grant monies
  • Pipeline sourcing: locating SMEs that are prepared for investment using our collected database and partner networks
  • Financial, commercial, and technical due diligence are all included in due diligence services for private funds. including fund design justification, change theory, and investment justification
  • Support Team: the development and management of technical assistance programs in the organization assist private equity firms and improve staff personnel' capacity to deal with SME clients.
  • Create frameworks for measuring effects, including impact metrics, and carry out monitoring (KPIs). ongoing tracking and communication services on the effects of various items or solutions on the ground
  • Fund Management Services: For voluntary contributions, these offerings consist of creating the fund flow structure, performing pre-disbursement analyses, maximizing potential, making fund payouts, internal auditing and review, guaranteeing the calibre of the assurance, accounting, replenishing the fund, and managing ongoing funder relations.
  • providing financial innovations for small and medium-sized businesses, such as supply chain financing, online lending platforms, and alternative data for credit decisioning
  • Policy work, analytical work, and other consulting services will be provided to support SME finance efforts.